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Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 10:39 pm

This blog of mine has been reduced to just a monthly update it seems.
This is bad.
Real bad.
Then again, not everyone has the time or motivation to blog nowadays.

Ohhh, my birthday has passed.
Its on the first of this month if you still dont know and firstly I would like to thank all those who wished me a happy birthday... right down even though you're one week late or even one month late, well its better than nothing right?
Thanks to my dearest who is always my number one supporter.
Thanks to the Ball Clan who are my biggest fans.
Thanks to my KSS close buddies.
And many thanks to my teacher colleagues back in TWSS who surprised me with an impromptu cake and card.
Its my 22nd by the way and as the years go by, theres nothing much really to celebrate about. Apart from the good food, the cake and the presents... its depressing really to be old. hahaha
The young innocent days of old are long gone and now we are burdened with major decisions to make in our life. Sigh... I wanna be young again...

Alright enough of that...

I've been teaching for close to 6 months plus and its been a really eye opening experience.
I wasnt taught how to handle the kids or what method suits when teaching them. I was just thrown into the fray. It wasnt easy at first but I learnt the ropes fast and I learnt everything the hard way. Now, looking back I found that its been such an enjoyable thing to do. Even though it can be a challenge, but its always worth the effort.
The ones that I always scold and punish are always the ones that look up to me and respect me.
And it is really touching when the class begged me to stay to carry on teaching them when I told them that it was my last day. Well all good things comes to an end... but I hope this journey of mine continues...

Went for reservist on Monday and found out I was one of the youngest of the lot. haha
I cleared my IPPT on Tuesday and also passed my shooting test earlier today.
And tmr will be my last day for my ICT (In-camp-training).
Hopefully it'll be a blast tmr... wish me well.

Thats all.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 8:21 pm


Its already 31st March???

That means I'm hitting double 2s tomorrow!
Damn I feel old already.

Even though Its gonna be my birthday tomorrow, I still have no idea what I want as a birthday present. Oh yeah there is one thing... I want a car!!! (A real car as opposed to toy cars or miniature ones)

I was walking around the mall the other day and nothing caught my eye...
New clothes or shoes? nah...
Mp3 player??? my walkman phone is good enough
New handphone??? Mine is still new
New PSP??? I just need to repair the buttons on my old psp
PS3 or Nintendo Wii ??? Tempting but nahh...

I think its just a guy's instinct. When we dont need anything we dont buy it.
Unlike the opposite sex... everything also want... a want becomes a need .... and everything must buy. hahaha

Its ok, I can still take my time....

Thursday, March 19, 2009, 10:32 pm

Emotions cloud judgement.
Always keep them in check.

I'm not gonna let this space collect any more dust.
So, here I am once again reviving this blog.

Whenever I get bored, I'll go loitering in cyberspace searching for some new songs to keep me entertained. Sadly, I have such high standards in picking songs that I like and thats why my music library up till now pales in comparison to what you might actually have. But when I do like a particular song, that song will probably remain in my playlist for years.

If you're in your twenties right now, I'm sure you've heard of the song Careless Whisper famously sung by George Michael. I know it(the song) sounds gay, thats probably because the singer IS gay or maybe most of the songs in the 80s just sound so gay. Ok enough of being gay.
Disclaimer: If you dont agree, just get on in life... dont bug me with your gay comments

I just found a rock version of Careless Whisper sung by Seether. Well only die-hard rock fans like me would probably recognise or even heard of Seether. Well their most famous song, Broken (OST The Punisher) sung together with Amy Lee of Evanescence was famous on the airwaves a few years back. This cover version by Seether certainly surprised me. You gotta hear it, to believe it.


Friday, February 06, 2009, 8:13 pm

Talking about running away....

Well its about time I get myself new running shoes.
My old pair was the one given to me during my time in NS !
Its time to revive the economy and spend our way out of recession!!!!
If you're not a business or economics student, then you probably wont get it or will just disagree.

Lets hit the shops!

Saturday, January 31, 2009, 9:37 pm

Remember in my previous post where I mentioned the song, Running Away by Midnight Hour inspired me to do something.
Well here it is...
Watch the video.

Well its not that perfect but what da hell right!
And dont ask me why I didnt sing along. I already know I cant sing for nuts let alone auditioning for Singapore Idol. So be grateful I spared you guys the pain of listening to me. hahaha

Its not really a secret. Its just that not many people knew that I used to play the piano back then and quit at grade 3 when I was in sec school.
Whats more amazing is that , its been more than nine years since I really played and practised on the piano. (The brain works wonders.)
However this is an easy piece to play... I probably will stumble if i were to play other pieces.
Its still a start though.
Lets see what other songs I can play.

It takes effort and dedication...


First April Eighty Seven



Feeza `

Liyana A
Liyana J

Nurul H

Rin `



Speak Up


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